Recently, I have been thinking about the exclusivity of God. Actually in those words. A little bit of a mouthful, I know, but when you think about it, God is pretty exclusive. Maybe I better explain what I mean. For all of those, who don't know what exclusivity means, it comes from the word exclusive, which means that it is by itself, it is different from other things. It is one of a kind. God is one of a kind. God is is exclusive in regards to being God. Try as we might, we can not find any supposed god that is like God. That's because there IS no one like him. God has created all things, and is therefore over all things. He holds the exclusive power to the universe, and he can do anything he pleases with it. He has given us a small amount of power over little bits of this universe, but he is sovereign over what little power we have. No other person or angel or demon or item can hold the claim to be God, because they are all finite beings with no real control over events or circumstances. God controls everything, and he will use everything for his glory. And rightly so. No other being could rightly act for their own glory, because they do not in fact deserve glory. Having no power, they can not accomplish anything by their own will, since it is only by God's will that they have a will! All glory belongs to God. If they act for their own glory, they are attempting to steal glory from God, which is sin. This is essentially the basis for sin. Man decided that he wanted to serve himself, not God, and so he disobeyed God by eating forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Sin is always selfish, always trying to take away God's crown and place it on our own heads. Even when we think we are acting selflessly, without submission to God, we are rebelling against his authority. Uselessly. God is exclusive also in that his plans are the only ones that count, because he sees all and knows all. God is exclusively to be worshiped. First commandment, You shall have no other God's before me. Bam. There it is. God is the only one to be worshiped. Just remember that God will always be glorified. He will either be glorified by your acceptance of him as the King who has always been on the throne. Or he will be glorified through your destruction in hell after you have rejected him for a lifetime.
Oh yeah, by the way, Exclusivity is very close in definition to Holiness, which means to be set apart. God is set apart from everything and everyone because of his infinite power, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, and his sovereignty over all things.